by Alf Davis, PhD
You protect yourself by becoming consciously aware of your thinking.
It doesn’t matter what others think.
Let go of your ego.
What truly matters is what you think.
The thoughts in your brain control your body.
An addictive behaviour requires the brain to give it approval.
The beginning of all protection starts with awareness.
When you consciously know what you are thinking, you now possess the opportunity of choice.
Call it self-control, call it good boundaries, call it good judgment – whatever.
The key is using your brain to first recognize the bad behavior and then control it with your will.
Protection flows from “I don’t do that!”
When you agree with your mind to not do something, then you won’t do it.
Using the commitment of “I don’t!” will protect you from mindlessly falling into the addiction trap.
Be aware. Take control of your thoughts.
Commit to “I don’t!” and enjoy the freedom of self-protection.