Be Curious. Be Aware.
Your mind is an amazing piece of hardware. It’s elastic – meaning you have the power to change it, to shape it, to tame it and to inspire it. The “I Don’t” Project isn’t a One-Size-Fits-All. Some things will work for you, while others won’t. You will know when something feels right, which is where we have compiled a wide variety of articles on being MINDFUL.
If you’re looking for more studied information and the science behind MINDFULNESS, search our LIBRARY section.
How Can I Tell If I Have Problem?
by Alf Davis You have a problem when your actions and activities negatively affect you or the people in your life.Negative, as in limiting,...
Help! I’m Too Judgey!
Maybe our ego is getting in the way. How is it that we slip so easily into judging others?
Cultivate Your Emotional Intelligence
It’s often known as thinking before feeling, but emotional intelligence is a critical factor in influencing our behaviours.
14 Small Mind Shifts That Can Change Your Life
We have the power to change how we think about things. Just because the world seems overwhelming and out of control at times, there are ways to adjust our thinking in order to feel better about our situation and deal with what life throws at us.
How to Change Your Mind Gracefully
It’s essential to recognize the importance of changing your mind and remaining open to new perspectives. Embrace hypotheticals, test new ideas cautiously, and have the courage to leap into new perspectives as pathways to growth and resilience in an ever-evolving world.